Chad Myers is a well-established BJJ practitioner and black belt, with many years of coaching experience and a very unambiguous teaching style, laying everything down in a manner that can be understood by everyone."

  • BJJ Black Belt - Feather Weight
  • Black Belt under Kristian Woodmansee (2023)
  • 1st IBJJF No-Gi PANS (2022)
  • 3rd IBJJF No-Gi PANS (Absolute) (2022)
  • 3rd IBJJF PANS (2022)
  • 3rd IBJJF No-Gi Worlds (2021)
  • 1st IBJJF Masters International North America (2022)
  • Owner of Flow State Jiu Jitsu

Wanting to start Jiu Jitsu!?
Or maybe you already love Jiu Jitsu?
Or perhaps you are a Jiu Jitsu coach!


One of the biggest problems we tackle as Jiu-Jitsu coaches is getting people in the door.

Then once new folks are in, how to keep our conversion rate high.

Many people are terrified or anxious about walking into a Jiu Jitsu gym for the first time. They have a deep desire to start, but due to a plethora of possibilities, there exists obstacles preventing them from taking that first step through the unknown. 

The precipice of the unknown beyond the front doors of a new adventure can seem daunting!

Especially if those doors open up to the world of combat sports!

Then once they are in the gym, how to prevent the feelings of being overwhelmed and disoriented. There is SO much information and possibilities being thrown all around that it’s like drinking from the firehose! We all remember that feeling all too well.

A coach can only give you so much information face-to-face. It’s just the facts. It’s definitely not because they want to, but because it’s physically impossible (It’s kinda like science).

Then by the time you start rolling, it feels like you’re fighting for your life! It can be stressful. It can be painful if you don’t know what you are doing. You might think everyone is trying to kill you so you have to defend your mere existence. 

As a result, people can be introduced to Jiu Jitsu the wrong way and decide that, this INCREDIBLE thing that should have been part of their lives, this just isn’t for them. Due to a misrepresentation of Jiu Jitsu truly is. The thing that we all know it to be, but are trying to reveal to others!

The conversion rates of trial classes to memberships are atrociously low. This is a problem everywhere in the Jiu Jitsu community. If people are bragging about their conversion numbers, it is because relative to everyone else they might be doing well. However, I can almost guarantee that the overall numbers are much worse than what they should be for how remarkable combat sports is (hence the cult of people who stay).

As a new Jiu Jitsu Academy Owner I was trying to figure out how to solve this!

Everyone was brand new, and I didn’t have enough time in front of my students! They wanted more, but I warned them of Jiu Jitsu techniques on things like YouTube. Therefore, I would assign them homework on techniques I trusted, and that led to me having links all over the place with things that really didn’t blend together.

So then I started to research online academies or online instrutionals that could really help them. Paid subscriptions or one time costs. Yet, these turned out to be ridiculously priced and nearly all of them did a horrible job of building a new student’s game from the ground up. 

My desperation to fix this problem pushed me to create the solution myself!

Where if there existed an online environment that could take someone from being in their car, to walking into a combat gym for the first time ever.

What to expect when they walk in?
What are the customs?
What is the culture like?
What are some taboos to avoid?
What is the environment like?
Where should I line up?
Who should I talk to?
How do I tie my belt?

What if I could give you the confidence to walk in any Jiu Jitsu gym feeling like a pro because you already have the proper exposure to the flow of things? You walk in looking like a natural, people would assume you have trained somewhere else. Get rid of that feeling of feeling like an outsider.

Then on top of that!

What if I could walk you through the foundational concepts of Jiu Jitsu itself? Explain to you most of the primary positions that you should know.
WHY they are exist.
WHY they created.
WHY we need to know them.
I could build a full conceptual understanding of Jiu Jitsu from a 10,000 foot view before you even touched the mats. 

I could get you “speaking the language” before you walked in on your first day.
That way you understand the positions, the transitions, the submissions, and the goals to pursue of each one of those!


Most gyms teach move by move. Not concepts. What I don’t like about this, is that it provides no context (especially for new folks). Just learn this random move plucked out of the middle of a random situation, and the rest will make sense as time goes on… 

Like… what?! We go back:

WHY am I here?
WHY am I missionary position with this stranger?
WHY does this apply to self defense?

Out of context this can appear to be ridiculous!

HOWEVER, YOU aren’t having these problems because YOU already speak the language. You watched the Intro Course and you already understand why this is important. Even if you haven’t seen this move before, you understand the intentions, the goals, and how it was derived from one of the primary positions.

This way you have already jumped a giant hurdle that most new students take weeks, if not months, to grasp. Because there are only so many hours in the day you can be at Jiu Jitsu, and only so many hours a coach can be in front of you to explain!

Now, you have skyrocketed your Jiu Jitsu journey quicker than you can possibly realize, because you walked in your first day with a strong foundation to build on. Where most of the time and energy new students spend is building their foundation with scraps they get from class, which they are attempting to glue together themselves without a guide! NOT YOU!

So by this point you are getting the flow of how things run in a Jiu Jitsu gym, AND you are understanding the flow of Jiu Jitsu itself. By the time you decide to start rolling live or sparring, you understand the rules and the name of the game.
PLUS, you even have some tools in your belt to start pulling out! They may not work great because it’s your first time using them, but you are lightyears ahead of anyone else on their first day, trust me.

The Intro Course alone provides enough for you to survive, and maybe even thrive, in your first live session. You should have a goal and understanding of most situations you might run into.

People are going to ask how long you’ve been rolling or what other schools you have trained at. Then be shocked that it’s your first day ever!

Not only will the course provide all of this. We also create sections that sit down and give advice. Explain the complex etiquette. Explain the traditions of respect. Go into the history of how Jiu Jitsu came to be, and how it was built. Everything you need to know to look like a regular.

But wait! There’s more!

What if the instruction didn’t stop with the Intro Course?
What if the instruction built on and expanded on the concepts that you already know and are comfortable with?
What if the Intro Course was merely the first step into an entire curriculum that built off ALL the primary positions?
Broken up into segments which are easy to follow and digest!
Which slowly builds on one another overtime

Imagine only having to go to one place that could take you from your car, outside of a Jiu Jitsu gym, to understanding advanced technique.

Our online instructionals are built every week! Every week you get an entirely new set of videos that you can work on throughout the week!


If that’s not enough?!

What if you could ask the creator of this course questions? With a community of like minded people who are learning Jiu Jitsu, or want to help YOU learn Jiu Jitsu?

We have done it!

Whether you haven’t started, or maybe you’re new and feeling overwhelmed, or you are a coach who is looking for a fully comprehensive curriculum.

Perhaps you are looking for AFFORDABLE online instructionals that continue to build on one another and aren’t cherry picked. Plus, you get to ask the creator questions and interact with everyone else who is part of it.


This is a FANTASTIC way to offer your students an affordable and evolving curriculum that is trying to HELP build your Academy. Get students walking in the door and keep them training! Improving your conversion rates!

Coaches can have a difficult time disseminating curriculum at the correct rates. Ensuring they are hitting all the right positions enough. Having a holistic approach. Not focusing on one thing too much and neglecting other aspects of the game.

This curriculum was created to ensure all these possibilities are avoided! You can't go wrong! We have broken down Jiu Jitsu into all the appropriate positions, transitions, and submissions in the most appropriate ratios.

Leaving more mat optimization times.

If you are coaching based on our curriculum, AND your students have access to the curriculum online, Then you all will be on the same page and burn through the instruction like nobody’s business. 

Maybe you just want to be part of a Jiu Jitsu community in addition to your own, with all your like minded unicorns. Where you can share memes and take part in the culture.

Perhaps where you live there isn’t a big Jiu Jitsu scene and you want to get that sense of community back! You might just have a group of friends who train together and you want access to a Black Belts instructionals and the ability to engage them with questions. All that is here for you!


The community will have Chad the Dad’s podcast which goes heavy into Jiu Jitsu philosophy, concepts, and theories. Building the minds of a Martial Artist and exploring what it truly means to be in Martial Arts.

So not only are we building your Jiu Jitsu on the mats, but we are building Jiu Jitsu in the mind when you cannot be on the mats.

All the peripherals of Jiu Jitsu that one can’t see. Exposing what’s between the lines of Jiu Jitsu.

What if there was a Jiu Jitsu Haven online where everyone could get everything they needed in one spot!?

I wanted to create a COMPLETE Jiu Jitsu online environment:

  • Jiu Jitsu Philosophy, Theory, and Concepts

  • Jiu Jitsu Memes, Skits, Pranks, and Jokes

  • Jiu Jitsu Instructionals!

  • Jiu Jitsu advice, comradery, connection and culture sharing

White belt me wished someone could explain the 10,000 ft view before I dove in.

People told me what to do, but it had no context.

Making it difficult to comprehend & execute.

I wish there was a full comprehensive online program that we could study.

Easily understandable concepts that slowly build on one another!

From Beginner to Advanced all in one place!

Gym time could go straight into drilling. More time for rolls!

I hate that there is only so much time in the Academy for techniques (and rolls)!

Therefore, I created the Intro Course, plus a continuous curriculum of Instructionals that build on one another comprehensively, while discussing the Philosophy, Theory, and Concepts, all in a community of people who want to grow in Jiu Jitsu!